by Thott
These are the XML files I use as part of my personal interface.
Most of the changes I made, while a few include changes from others.
In general these changes remove title bars and reduce window size,
which results in a sleeker, less bulky interface.
One quirk with the UI is if a window is resizeable, and
the title bar is removed, the only way to move it is to resize it into
place. This sounds like a hassle, but in practice, when moving a
resizeable window, you'll probably resize it after moving anyway.
Either way it's two clicks and two drags.
To use these files, create a new folder under uifiles (I used
uifiles/Thott), then place these files in that directory. Start
the game with the new UI enabled, and once logged in, type '/load Thott 1',
or whatever name you used. Once it successfully loads, the client
will remember, and use the new XML files every time.
Note that there is no longer any need top copy the entire default
directory. Any file needed by the interface that isn't found in
the Thott/ directory will be automatically loaded from default/.
The nice thing about this is that when patches occur, typically the
interface will load without effort.
November 5th, 2003 patch
To get the target circles to work, copy TargetIndicator.* from
the uifiles/default directory to whereever your custom UI is at,
e.g. uifiles/Thott, then camp to desktop and log back in.
1.8 components: Nov 11, 2003
File |
Description |

Updated TargetWindow. This one has the new target con color
graphics included, but unfortunately, these graphics can't be
changed much. They only go in the TargetWindow (which for
me, is filled with PlayerWindow data), and the graphics can't be
moved from the upper left corner. So, this TargetWindow
has con color in the top left corner, which is somewhat silly,
but at least the information is there. Hopefully this will
get fixed in later client patches, and I'll be able to move it
to the real target window (PlayerWindow).

Fixed a bug that was hiding the personal pet hp bar.
1.7 components: May 19, 2003
File |
Description |
Updated TargetWindow to increase client happiness (remove error messages).
Updated GroupWindow to increase client happiness (remove error messages).
1.6 components: February 7, 2003
File |
Description |
New container window, with small boxes for every inventory item along the right side, for easy click item use.
WARNING: closing a bag from that bag itself will crash the client
to desktop. You can close or open any other bag, but not the one
you're clicking within.
1.5 components: January 9, 2003
1.4 components: October 26, 2002
File |
Description |
New group window, with self hp at the top, hp percentages imbedded
in each hp bar, F1-F6 labelled, and all buttons removed except
for the Follow button.
Self hp is a purple heart color, to differentiate it from other
group members. The same color is used in the PlayerWindow
(which is effectively the TargetWindow in my UI).
This is just like the 1.2 PlayerWindow, except that self hp are
colored to match the GroupWindow.
1.3 components: September 10, 2002
File |
Description |
The only thing new in this release is this container window.
Top row is primary/secondary, below that are two inventory slots.
Up to this point the configuration is fairly common.
What's different is the row of slots on the side, in order from
top to bottom: head, face, earring, chest, bracer, legs, boots,
belt. I'm not sure how I ended up with belt on the bottom,
but it doesn't seem to mind being there. It's clearly out
of order, head to toe.
The intent of course is to make swapping in items, for clicking
or otherwise, painless and fast.
I may do a new one that has every slot, in two columns, if anyone
asks for it. For my use, what is there now is perfect.
1.2 components: September 2, 2002
File |
Description |
This is just like the 1.1 TargetWindow, except for the changed bar look.
Instead of having all the tick marks cluttering everything up,
and the hard to make out sub-bar, now there is an easy to read
exact percentage in the center of the bar. This is the main
change between 1.1 and 1.2: pretty much every bar has migrated
to this format.
Changed bar format from 1.1. The target name is also
implemented differently, such that it can go past the end of
the target bar. This isn't particularly useful. As
before, the top bar is the target hp, and the bottom is your hp.
When attack is turned on, the border will flash red.
Note: this window must be used with the TargetWindow above
(or the 1.1 version). See below for an explaination why.
1.2/TrackingWnd.xml |
Tracking window optimized for bard use. I removed all the
cruft buttons and selectors. I've since seen someone else
with practically the same thing - concurrent evolution at work.
Like the PlayerWindow, the main change between 1.1 and 1.2 is the bars used.
This container window has boxes for Primary/Secondary weapon at the top, and no title bar.
Tiny and compact casting window. I change the window alpha
to zero (not shown in the pic), such that the only thing that
appears is the casting bar itself. This bar can be placed
anywhere on the screen, including on top of other windows,
and disappears when not in use.
1.1 components: July 31, 2002
File |
Description |
1.1/window_pieces04.xml |
Simple green-on-black replacement graphic for the new compass.
1.1/BuffWindow.xml |
Smaller icons, no title bar. |
1.1/CastingWindow.xml |
Tiny window, no title bar. |
1.1/ChatWindow.xml |
No title bar. |
1.1/Container.xml |
Smaller window, no title bar. |
1.1/GroupWindow.xml |
Smaller window, no title bar, numeric life percentages for each
groupmember. I removed the invite/disband buttons for a
while, but found it nice to have the buttons there as a visual
indicator for when I missed FOLLOW lines due to spam of one sort
or another. I will probably revisit this at some point. |
1.1/HotButtonWnd.xml |
Smaller window, no title bar. |
Important data during combat:
So this window has both. I place my windows such that this
window is most central. The red box around the player window
is nice feedback to know when you're attacking, so I've used that
window as a base for this new target window replacement.
This left no window to use for the normal player window guts,
so I placed those guts in the target window. Thus the
player window is now the target window, and what was the target
window is now in the player window. Yes, this is confusing,
so just know this: replace both the Player window and Target
window with my files, or replace neither.
The end result is when attacking, the target window will have
a flashing red border.
New: Pet HP bar now works properly.
Since I replaced the Player window with Target window guts, that
left Player window guts with nowhere to live - so I placed them
in the Target window. In particular, these guts include
the mana and stamina bar, along with numeric values for
hp/ac/atk, and percentage numbers for xp and AA xp. As a
result, I rarely need to pull up the full inventory screen to
get stat/xp information.
1.0 components
File |
Description |
This is the older, drop in replacement player window, for those
that don't want to replace their target window.